There are certain moments in history where you remember exactly where you were when the news broke. I was driving along Coronation Drive in Brisbane when the radio announced Princesses Dina’s death and was on the train into work when I saw everyone holding newspapers depicting the attack on the World Trade Centre towers.

So it was perhaps timely that I started reading this book as 9/11 approached.

Lucy and Gabe meet as seniors at university on the day America, and our world, would be changed forever, 11 September 2001. The story does not delve into the political or historical significance of that day but it does have an enduring impact on the journey the two main characters take and the strength of their bond.

Santopolo takes us on a journey over 13 years into the ever changing relationship these two character have, most of the time spent apart pursuing their successful careers. Lucy becomes a children’s TV producer in new York and Gabe, a photojournalist assigned to the Middle East. The restless and free spirited Gabe is a character in stark contrast to Darren, who becomes Lucy’s’ loyal and devoted husband.

Lucy and Gabe’s relationship over the years focuses on discussions about fate or free will, destiny or decision. Ultimately Lucy is left with a decision she never thought she would need to make. Will she be able to make this life changing decision or not?

I was swept away by this story as it touches on themes common to all of us – “what could have been” and ” the road not taken”. Santopolo brought me to tears with her writing and it is a book I would read again with a different perspective knowing where the journey ends.